Friday, April 20, 2007

Quote of the day

"We don’t want to be a critic of the Botica ng Bayan program but there are some unanswered questions about it. Firstly, why does the Philippine International Trading Corp. import generic medicines from India when we have a pharmaceutical industry which also manufactures generic drugs? Secondly, how come the drugstores of the Botica ng Bayan are not run by professional pharmacists? From a write-up on the Botica ng Bayan, it appears that even buy-and-sell entrepreneurs can get Botica franchises and sell medicine. Selling medicine like selling goods in a sari-sari store could be dangerous to the health of our medicine consumers."

- Jesus C. Sison in his article People's trust in courts boosted
Malaya (Opinion) , March 24, 2007



Anonymous said...

well i think they import generic medicines from India because it is cheaper than getting drugs from the manufacturer here in the Philippines... You know the cost of labor and other expenses in manufacturing medicines in India is less expensive than here that's why they can sell drugs in such a lower price...hehe i've learned that from my manufacturing professor but i don't really know if that is true...hehe

Anonymous said...

Kristine's here...what can i say...
drugstores of botika ng bayan are not run by professsional pharmacists maybe because the government and the entrepreneurs want to circulate only in their hands the income that they will generate from those drugstores...maybe hiring professional pharmacists will decrease their income...hehe whew i forgot my google i should comment anonymously..